Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Draft to Arms

In light of today’s world of military confrontations against terrorist activities, am I amiss to believe that reviving the draft system would be appropriate? Could we not turn those flabby, overweight kids into toned, muscular representatives of American pride? And correct the diabetic-prone adults of tomorrow into solid, physical, healthy dynamos? Honest exercise programs from grade school onward would put them at odds to continue their poor dietary habits. Parents would be put on notice to resolve excesses.

Teamwork, responsibility and dedication to achieve success at self-discipline would supplement the advantages of textbook learning. Taking charge to achieve goals by supporting the efforts of classmates would prepare them for the interactive social skills that life necessitates.

One of the challenges of our citizenry is to put backbone to its professed support of our troops and put to test their loyalty to promote the greatness of our nation by accepting the enlistment of their children to take part in upholding our freedoms of democracy.

There is little doubt that extended tours of duty of our volunteer army have reached the near end of its sustainable effectiveness and that there is no honorable route to take than giving youth the opportunity to take pride for their inherited homage to defend our liberties.

Kids are said to be tech-prone in the half-light of their computer screens, I-Phones and X-Boxes that, in part, purvey games of military confrontations for victories with horrific consequences before their squinting eyes. The popularity of these games suggests expressions of individual superiority over threats to humanity. Technical advancements of electronic equipment that enhance military operations with state-of-the-art radar, sonar and underwater devices would take them where no digital connection has taken them before.

The realities of life, war, and the future of liberty and justice are not games of entertainment.

For young adults to participate in the wonders of this brave new world of advanced technology, they will have to pull up those britches, cover those cracks of insubordination and take on the challenge to live, learn and, literally, make the grade in the early years of academics. They must achieve excellence in reading, writing and adding up the whole of learning to sum up their futures as productive members of society.

Mandatory enlistment of every able-bodied young adult would prove a patriotic resolve to reinforce the American ideology of freedom. Everyone, regardless of race, color, creed, social or economic background should take part in defending the security of our citizenry and forge a future of global integration.

The offspring of elitist politicians and wealth, who may have a tendency to avoid the draft, would face a lifetime of overcoming the stigma of nepotism and cowardice. It would be those very parents of affluence who will have the influence to demand that the safety of our troops be of paramount concern and overcome the inferiority of armor, weaponry and military vehicles and aircraft. Friendly fire is a misnomer. Unfriendly equipment is a calamity for troop survival.

The lengthy tours of duty for our troops in Iraq, and subsequently Afghanistan, calls for the long-awaited reevaluation of our military strategies. Whereas servicemen were in combat for an average of 40 days during WWII, and those in the Vietnam War were deployed for 240 days, the length of time in Iraq is 24 months. This equates to 720 days, 300% longer than the time a soldier served in Vietnam and 1800% of those serving WWII. Such a lengthy tour of duty is a detour from life for every soldier in battle.

A mandatory two-year tour of duty could easily reinvent the ultimate honor of military integrity with re-enlistments, creating careers in national pride. Assistance in higher education would be an award. The more years in service, the greater the rewards. With the current turmoil of mankind in nearly every country in the world, at no time soon will there be a shortage for the need of military excellence.

One of the aspects of participating in the military has always been the “opportunity” to travel. This gives a broader range to experience first-hand the living conditions of other societies. Appreciation of our freedoms become self-evident when faced with the realities of others less fortunate and those whose daily fears destroy otherwise honorable men and women.

Acts of liberation can overcome the perception that military occupation demands democracy. Working together for the betterment of the world community can make this a safer world for everyone. A steadfast and true military machine can achieve success, but time is less a guideline than the conscientiousness of determined conviction toward freedom’s goal of self-government.

With dedicated citizen participation, perhaps we could regain the respect and involvement of our allies and prompt a positive outlook of our intentions for global goodwill, not the self-interest of a superpower that is viewed as soft to the core of its society.

Moms and dads would come face to face the realities of war. There will always be Prisoners of War, those who are Missing in Action, and the dreadful Casualties of War. Supporting our troops no doubt must include the enlistment of emotional support, not just from friends and relatives, but also for those friends and relatives whose loved ones face the daily horrors of war. The emotional needs of spouses and families left behind should be an aforethought.

I give considerate thought that, when I was deemed unfit for military duty during the years of the Vietnam War, might I not have been placed in an administrative position, perhaps no less patriotic than those in the throes of danger? My status of 4-F due to an asthmatic condition didn’t leave me without an ability to support our national interests, yet in hindsight I feel I may have found a sense of pride and personal achievement had I been placed in an administrative position. I realize these words sound admirable now, decades beyond that time when I feared my draft number may have been drawn for duty at any moment.

We should pursue an avenue of patriotic involvement now, for the young have no choice but to inherit the evils of global confrontations.

Confronting terrorism is reason to sustain our presence in the Middle East and Southeast Asia with telltale signs emerging in North Africa; there are no borders that bound the ideals of extremists as they spread their hatred through all streets of civilization. It may take decades to claim victory but with every successful operation we could once again say, I am proud to be an American, with earnest conviction.

I realize the Vietnam War and the horrific memories it congers is a major cause for the hesitancy of implementing another draft lottery. There was fear and loathing, anger and protesting that polarized the American populous. If we cannot rely on ourselves to defend our way of life with rational deliberation, are we doomed to loose liberties given to us by our forefathers? Did they not fight to uphold their beliefs and lay way for the emancipation of these United States?

Another concern apparently lies with advanced technology and the availability of personal communications. Instant messaging and picture phones give soldiers the opportunities to share the sights of the rockets’ red glare and the bombs bursting in air, giving proof through the nights that those military conflicts are still theirs. In love and war, show and tell must have its limits.

“Support the troops” has become a safe and convenient phrase to give honor to those soldiers in harm’s way. There is no honor for those who proclaim patriotism when personal sacrifice becomes an inconvenience and men and women in uniform spend their days and nights in foreign surroundings, doing the best they can to survive. We show little gratitude, as though throwing tidbits to a pet.

In times of sustained military aggressions, participating in an all-volunteer army gives pause for enlistment. Faced with mandatory extended tours of duty adds to the decay of families’ lives. Expansion of war activities into Afghanistan is making the task of meeting the demands of recruitment an unlikely attainable goal. Criminals are given opportunities for freedom but for what purpose? Perhaps they are considered expendable.

“Support the troops” certainly has its limits Sending foodstuffs to men and women in uniform is a very thoughtful gesture and a welcome connection to the homeland. But reading the labels on packages of perishable items gives an expiration date that may or may not bring thoughts of the same fate to those who recieve the generosity of the folks back home.

What about the support, or lack of, given to soldiers injured in action? They stand to lose limbs or their lives because their status is given less importance that what is demanded for their contributions. Two steps beyond the welcome home mat and they are dog meat at the mercy for health care. These soldiers have been injured in the line of duty yet treatment is questionable due to the inability of VA hospitals to accommodate their needs. Long delays of treatment, or possible denial of benefits, puts their lives at risk… again. Mental health treatment also lacks the consideration it deserves.

How honorable it is to profess support of the troops but what about the soldiers who may face a future of being homeless? Some come marching home yet have to beg for mercy, but mercenaries they were not meant to be. They are entitled to have a life support system, not one that lacks a generosity for services rendered.

See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil. These are words of ignorance and will lead us to the waste of our lives, our liberties and our pursuit of happiness. Too many Americans hide behind a wall of denial for what the war on terrorism really demands: sacrifice from everyone. It’s much too easy to profess patriotism behind walls of luxury and personal security.

The National Guard continues to provide military support overseas as it has over the years; the Army National Guard since 1636, the Navy National Guard since 1947. They all deserve the consideration of honor as does the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

Will volunteers fulfill the needs of our military involvement over the stretches of the globe? There is already a shortage of the able-bodied willing. Who do we turn to when the victories are no longer ours? Can we claim victory in our current wars?

The only alternative may be to subcontract American military interests to the likes of Blackwater, Inc. and other “guns for hire”. Is this the type of patriotism we want to employ, with no consciousness of battle? Their forces are paid better, given better equipment with less responsibility for their actions. In one sense, the expense in dollars and cents is of concern; the ultimate cost would be abandonment of national pride.

What would be the next step? Developing the ultimate war machine of programmable robotic soldiers? Would this resolve our preference to become less involved with the consciousness of war?

We would no longer have to be concerned with giving legitimacy to our claims to “support the troops”. Would we then pledge our allegiance to corporations of war spoils (COWS) and make it an investor’s reward with little speculation for earnings potential?


It is time to bring the draft to arms. It is the winds of war that bring the draft into our lives.

Quotes to be acknowledged:

“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” George Washington

“To stand upon ramparts and die for our principles is heroic,
but to sally forth to battle and win for our principles is something more than heroic.”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

“Patriotism has become a mere national self assertion, a sentimentality with no constructive duties.” H.G. Wells

“Where’s the coward that would not dare to fight for such a land?” Sir Walter Scott

“Are modern-day heroes to be nothing more than sandwiches?” Ronald A. Rae

“It is easy to be brave from a distance.” Aesop

“Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.” Thomas Jefferson

[I suggest reader participation at /id/40757 which will take you to “Why We Need A Draft” written by Cpl. Mark Finelli, an American Patriot)

PARCEL POST 2008 @ A New Year. A New Blog.

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